In all brutal honesty, what do you think Omega Dazai would do if he was pregnant?

uhhhhhhh total emotional collapse, probably. i don’t think dazai would trust himself with a child at all (nor… should he… really… i think a child would take a lot of things that dazai just is not good at, even if he made all the giant strides in his recovery that it would take him to be able to handle having and raising a functional child)

so… idk. he’d probably panic and do something terrible, i think

So Tenfold was a stunning piece of work and if asked I would generally say that that’s what I remember you by, but my introduction to your writing was on the ‘most recent works’ page of skk fic back in spring, when I clicked on Treasure bc it sounded so bewildering, but it turned out to be surprisingly well-written and enjoyable. I congratulate you, because if you can get a long-term reader out of that, you can do damn near anything.

this is an absolutely hilarious ask and i’m so proud of it???? thank you so much

what’s funny is that tenfold also started out as my garbage id fic child and then i was like “oh but actually what if i really committed to this concept” and then it just like. spiraled.

Uuuh I just realized my ask about your smut writing could’ve come off as meaning “at least you’re a bit better than them” but like, NOT WHAT I MEANT. you are LEAGUES above them and you’ve pampered us(your readers) with good writing and reading those awards really made me appreciate you even more.

oh dw i am perfectly aware that my smut writing is much better than the guy who thought “oh look i’m sucking on a nipple sexually even tho it feeds babies i have transcended time” was a sexy thing to just… throw out there

i’m just saying, part of the reason for that is that i’m deeply aware that a human fucking a 4 meter dragon isn’t realistic or revolutionary but i know what i’m about